Time in Côte d’Ivoire now

Segunda-feira, Dezembro 23, 2024, semana 52

Time zone info for Côte d’Ivoire

UTC +0
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
agora 5 horas adiantado em relação a Nova Iorque

Time difference
from Côte d’Ivoire

Los Angeles
8 horas
8 horas
6 horas
6 horas
Nova Iorque
5 horas
5 horas
5 horas
5 horas
São Paulo
3 horas
3 horas
Lagos+1 horas
Paris+1 horas
Zurique+1 horas
Cairo+2 horas
Joanesburgo+2 horas
Istambul+3 horas
Moscovo+3 horas
Dubai+4 horas
Mumbai+5.5 horas
Hong Kong+8 horas
Singapura+8 horas
Xangai+8 horas
Tóquio+9 horas
Sydney+11 horas
Compare other time zones

Côte d’Ivoire on the map

Annual average temperatures
for Côte d’Ivoire 1901-2021

Each of the stripes represents one year.
Graphics by Ed Hawkins, using data from Berkeley Earth.
See showyourstripes.info.

The 24 largest cities in
Côte d’Ivoire

Abengourou Abidjan Adzopé Agboville Anyama Bondoukou Bouaflé Bouaké Dabou Daloa Danané Dimbokro Divo Ferkessédougou Gagnoa Grand-Bassam Katiola Korhogo Man Oumé San-Pédro Sinfra Séguéla Yamoussoukro